Step into Your Power as a Modern Day Mystic
Amazing Medium Launches High Value Program and makes $10,000 in just TEN WEEKS
Meet the incredible Medium Kim Garden as she shares her experience inside the High Value Mystic Blueprint and the very exciting launch of her Mentorship Program -- Journey with Spirit.
Kim joined the program overworking, undercharging and BURNTOUT Now she has raised her rates, is booked up months in advance, and has successfully launched her own High Value Program!
PLUS celebrated her first $10,000 month in JUST 10 WEEKS!
Soul Coach Goes From $1000 a year to $10,000 per MONTH
Amazing Soul Coach and Intuitive Nicole (check her out on IG @nicole_sanguinetti) shares about her experience working with Tanza and how her business has grown and changed since joining the program.
This amazing woman has built an incredibly successful business while working a 9-5 and FULLY leaning into her purpose. Learn more about how she found clarity, has skyrocketed her business (during a pandemic), and is supporting her clients as they TRANSFORM their lives!
Hear what Erin has to say about working with Tanza and how it has changed her Business and her Life!
Erin took a while to get clear on her Biz Bestie but since she clarified it this amazing Mystic has been enrolling clients into her LIFE CHANGING program like a total #boss
Not only has she been making money, she has been experiencing the fulfillment of truly helping her clients -- not to mention inspiring her daughter to start her own business as well!
Listen to her tell her story and share here experience as she embraced her own High Value Program and became a Modern Day Mystic
$15,000 in 5 WEEKS!
I was completely new to the world of marketing myself online and setting up a Facebook group and starting a high value program.
I wanted to learn to market myself and work smarter not harder doing what I love to do. Since joining us Business has been great, I have been enrolling clients into my high value program as well as having more traffic on my social media business pages and booking more readings. I was able to make that back and some extra also to pay off personal debt while inside the program. I 100% recommend this program to other mystics.
Cheryl Wiley — an amazing mystic who generated $26,000 in just TEN WEEKS!

More Income than EVER Before
(with an 8 WEEK old baby + a 3 year old toddler)
This amazing Momma is motivated to show her children exactly what it means to live life on your terms!
Creative Guide and Soul Coach Miranda MacKenzie shares her experience inside the High Value Mystic Mastermind
Listen to how this amazing mystic is leaning into her BIG purpose and ready to make a splash in the lives and businesses of her clients.
From Frustrated and DONE to BOOKED UP with Money in the Bank!
Meet Cheryl an incredible Medium and Empath Empowerment Mentor who was so frustrated with her business she QUIT.
After a year of considering joining the program she took the plunge and her schedule exploded!
Cheryl now does group readings, events and has stepped into her roll of being a mentor.
She did the inner work and launched her first High Value Program (which she generated over $10,000) and is now on her way to her first six figure year.
Five High Paying Clients in just 10 weeks!
From Hobby business to a BUSINESS with Strategy, Visibility and more confidence + FIVE clients enrolled into her High Value Program!!
See what Recent Graduate, Constance has to say about her experience in the High Value Mystic Blueprint
Listen to how this amazing Psychic Love Coach Surpassed her goals and celebrated BIG while leaning into her purpose!
From one or two clients a month to $6000 Months
From $200/month to $6000 PER MONTH!
"This program has changed my life on all levels! It has allowed me to embrace my inner CEO and I believe that this world needs an incredible mentor (with amazing psychic abilities) to guide more Light Workers to shine their light and change the world."
-- Julie
I intuitively knew MDM Mastermind was a good fit for me! So I had no doubts whatsoever!
When I joined I was lacking clarity on who and how to serve. I went from not knowing who I was serving and how, to showing up as the coach, mentor and teacher I know I was born to be.
I have so much more confidence as a Soulpreneur, as a partner, a parent and as a woman, period!
I went from booking 1 or 2 readings or energy sessions per month, to enrolling students in my numerology certification program + booking readings every week! I have also been approached to be an expert speaker in a Women Leader Circle!
My income went from 200$ per month to 6k per month and I know that number will keep rising as I keep leaning in!
The group calls are priceless! The sisterhood in this Mastermind is extremely supportive, empowering and so informative!
I absolutely recommend this program to other mystics!
This program has changed my life on all levels! It has allowed me to embrace my inner CEO and I believe that this world needs an incredible mentor (with amazing psychic abilities) to guide more Light Workers to shine their light and change the world.
Master Intuitive Life Strategist
-- Julie Cloutier
Creator of the Intuitive Numerology Certification Program

I loved Tanza’s helpful Modern Day Mystic Group and saw the results she helped people get!
I had invested in the past and have not gotten the results, so I was afraid to keep investing. But I knew Tanza was so hands on and available to support in a big way so I was open to going all in!
My income has tripled. My confidence and visibility has increased tremendously!
To have Tanza’s one on one approach in a group setting has made me feel so supported! I absolutely recommend the High Value Mystic Blueprint to mystics ready to grow!!
Psychic-Love Coach
Constance Ao
When I joined the High Value Mystic Blueprint I wanted to scale my business, reach the right people with my program in a short time.
Now my niche is clear. I know how to introduce myself and how to tell people what I do. I own my expertise and I've made sense of posting and crafted my high value program.
I never made over 150 dollars for one thing before, now I have made over 1800 in just my first month. My hubby is more impressed and confident in me because of my seriousness and seeing I am getting results. He said it was worth the money for me just getting my niche and intro clear ;)
The calls were great and love connecting with the other ladies and hearing their feedback, takeaways and brainstorms. Yes. It really helps get clarity on your program, your biz bestie, and a great start for businesses ready to make a big impact. Lots of great things to learn and implement, gain momentum and guidance to really own your expertise.
Miranda MacKenzie

From Frustrated to Generating More Income than Ever Before!
Serving her clients in a deeper, more meaningful way. Owning her worth and fulfilling her purpose!
"Less work for more money!"
Creator and Founder of the I AM Mentorship and the Intuitive Animal Communication Program Zen Jen took the plunge to hire Tanza to show her how to grow her business.
Once this amazing healer had the steps her business made more income in 2 months then ALL of the year prior!
$7500 in 18 DAYS
It wasn’t very long ago Trisha reached out to me frustrated!
She was struggling to get any one to pay her $40 for a reading despite being an AMAZING psychic!
She knew her gifts were AMAZING and had 9000 followers so why wasn’t she able to make any money in her spiritual business?!
In this case study Trisha and I discuss how she was able to quit her 9-5, got it all turned around and is now making more money then she ever has!
From Ghost Town to $7500 in just 18 Days!
Tanza's mastermind program is a must if you want to level up. After following along in the Modern Day Mystic Mammas page I felt like Tanza could help me turn my hobby into a successful business, where I could do what I love doing and be financially secure doing it. I've not regretted one bit of my investment.
Since I joined this program I have gained confidence and clarity. I have come out of hiding so to speak, no more fear of what people will think. I have pushed my comfort zone a huge amount. I have more confidence in myself. The biggest thing is my connection to spirit is stronger, and I listen and trust more now than I ever did in the past. I am positive that I will generate the kind of money I need to live a life filled with travel and learning so I can offer more to my clients.
The support from the other ladies in the Mastermind is a big help, and Tanza is always there to help, providing the answers you need, just when you need it.
Valerie Rippel

Since I joined the mastermind, it has made a huge impact on me financially and spiritually. It came just in time as I was ready to step into my online business full time. Within a few days of signing up, I landed my first client then it snowballed from there. Within the first month, I made $7500 and it allowed me to quit my soul-sucking job.
Besides the financial aspects, I have felt so supported in the Mastermind! Tanza listens to the energy of you and your business and empowers you with the mindset and gives tools to implement. I would totally recommend that you join the Modern Day Mystic Mastermind! I'm proof that it works! Just follow Tanza’s lead and you will get results quickly!!!!
Trisha Condo

Describe your image

I joined the Modern Day Mystic Mastermind because I was going through money challenges and felt like I needed a push and guidance to start moving in the right direction. I was a bit skeptic on how Tanza could help me, but she definitely has been able to!
My mindset has TOTALLY changed in my business as well as in my personal life. And I've seen immense growth on my Facebook and Instagram pages.
Tanza has always responded and helped through anything I’m working through. And she is always bringing new ideas to help me grow my business. I feel so supported by Tanza, I'd definitely recommend to anyone hesitant to join the mastermind to jump in!
Sheona Severson
Working with Tanza has been incredible. Her teachings brought me out of the "poverty mindset" by re-wiring my thoughts to only accept a healthy mindset full of wealth, confidence and the notion that everything is possible! I had always been overlooked and made to feel invisible in the past, but her encouragement brought me to the forefront. Now I am highly visible as I literally have my face everywhere: business cards, website, pamphlets, social media, etc. Within 24 hours of signing up to her program, I received five reading sessions! I have gained tremendous confidence in my ability to run my own spiritual business, as we laid the foundation together. Since embarking in the program, I have read famous top spiritual leaders, teach a development class, offer several programs, and so much more. Because of her, I am unstoppable in achieving all that I want, not only in my spiritual business, but also in my life. She is truly a remarkable lady, who honestly enjoys helping women succeed. If you're serious about making your dreams come true, Tanza is the one who can help you achieve all that you've dreamed of and so much more! Thank you Tanza. You are one-in-a-million!
Much love!
Jane Dance,
International Medium

Tanza is a beautiful loving and caring person with remarkable intuition. The first healing session I had with her was life changing for me. I didn't know what Reiki was or that Tanza is a medium, I had no idea what she was going to do to heal me. I was a non-believer in humans having spirits or there being an after life. I was referred to Tanza by a friend who knew I was in an extremely low point in my life. So during my first session Tanza was able to connect with a few lost loved ones on the other side and the information she told me was mind blowing. She also knew what I disliked about my life and gave incredibly helpful advice to fix it. During all this she did her magic with my energy and somehow got my chakras balanced. I know she was able to balance them because I had a day of complete bliss and happiness two days after. Ever since that first session I have made lots of changes to make myself a better nicer more open person. I have also taken her meditation 101 course which is packed full of great information for people to get into the habit of meditating. I'm now an avid meditator and taking courses to strengthen my own intuition and start helping others find their's. I can say without a doubt that going and having a healing session with Tanza had changed my life and each time I go back, I learn even more about myself.
I came to Tanza in a moment of desperation. I was in my late twenties and I was just… lost. I had just gone through a difficult pregnancy that resulted in a preemie baby and a long NICU stay, and my father had just passed very suddenly. I was a mom to two young children and felt completely lost in that identity, like I didn’t know who I was outside that anymore. I didn’t mind my previous career, but had no desire to return to it because I knew it wasn’t really what I was supposed to be doing. I was struggling with depression, motivation and just life in general. I came to see Tanza for a reiki and mediumship session, thinking if I could just hear from my dad it would bring me some closure. But instead of closing the book on that chapter of my life, my first visit with Tanza started a whole new story for me. I realized how much guilt and fear I was carrying, how so many of my own personal patterns were based in some form of self-sabotage because of all these beliefs I’d internalized. I wasn’t good enough. Someone might not approve. Taking time for myself was selfish. And the list goes on. I did a second session to just focus on myself, and then I mentored with her to learn about connecting with my own intuition, my guides, my loved ones. At the time, I thought I was going to have to be a reiki master or medium or something, but that was never my path. I quickly realized that working with your own intuition, taking time for self-care, getting to know yourself so intimately that you’re often uncomfortable (and believe me, the journey to self is far from comfortable!), is about YOU. Finding your gifts, your passions and the confidence to OWN them. To pursue them. I had shut down my spiritual side for so many years, not realizing that I had basically just shut myself down as a result. I went through life, I lived by all means, but something was always missing. Something was always holding me back. And when I finally opened that side of myself, it was like everything finally clicked into place. My lifelong dream was to be an author, but before my coaching with Tanza, I had never managed more than a few chapters before giving up. With Tanza’s coaching and encouragement, I did the hard work of healing (and I continue to work on my own healing to this day!) and I removed the blocks that kept me from writing. I finished my first novel, and I’m proud to say it will be published next year. And my second novel is currently sitting with a developmental editor waiting to take its own journey. My kids start school next year, but I’m not looking for work in my previous field because I now know I’m better than doing something that doesn’t light me up. I don’t know what my future holds, but I do know that my time belongs to the things that I deem worthwhile. My family. My writing. Traveling. Who knows what else. Just because my degree is in marketing, doesn’t mean that my fate is sealed in that field. I am not the same person I was when I was 20 and choosing my so-called “life path”. I am not the same person I was when I first became a mom. I am evolving, I am growing, and I get to be the architect of my own life. I get to choose what lights me up and chase it. And I learned all that because Tanza challenged me to listen to my own intuition and to do the work to heal all those blocks and wounds that I didn’t even realize were hijacking my life. If you get the opportunity to work with Tanza, DO IT! You won’t regret it.

Thank You Soooo Much Tanza! WORDS do not describe what you did for my heart and soul. Much Love♡
Thank you for the amazing reading and sharing your gifts with the world, you changed my life
After seeing my Medium/Mentor Tanza, I had an amazing experience. I was told to be more aware of the signs from my Mom and [my Son]. I call it the four feathers. The first night after the reading a feather floated down from the ceiling. The next day I am baking and look down and there is a feather on my hoodie. Two days later in Edmonton I am dressing to go to a Christmas Party and there is a feather on my dress. Two days later I take my niece for lunch and we push the dishes away and there is a feather on the table. I am so grateful to see and hear that my loved ones are always close. This is what my son said to me. "I have not left you, it is just that I am waiting for you. ❤️❤️❤️
Tanza Meeting you came by luck of a draw and my regular routine of scrolling though Facebook I came across people asking about local mediums in our area, your name came up numerous times I read and carried on, but I kept catching myself going back and re- reading it Finally I had to follow my heart and I copied your phone number (well screen shoot it ) Id like to think in spiritual and I defiantly believe in life after death. I sadly lost my dearest grandmother 11 or so more years ago; she and I carried a special bond, I was one of 23 grand kids She told me she will come to me Well I've been waiting for the sign I think of her often but haven't experienced anything to let me know she's with me Since she left our side , I've become divorced and dated off and on Life been tossing me many tests of faith and strength ; even depression that came on full force with an unhealthy relationship I felt like a tornado of emotions Lost in my own skin My own worst enemy My life is lost Bingo ! I found you I want to heal I need to know I'm on the right track I book my appointment Worried of spending the money on myself and the short drive on the highway I tried finding excuses NOT to go. I couldn't I had to I pulled into a beautiful calm log house nestled into the woods To friendly open arms of Tanza Her house was so airy and calmness The scent took you away with background music I instantly felt as I've known her forever I was laid down on a nice soft table and warm heated pads Wow What happened next was breath taking You see, my Gramma left me a necklace : I wore it daily for many years until the chain broke I put it away for safe keepings No value to what it means to me I haven't thought of this necklace for years now !!!! Haven't worn it Tanza nailed it ! My grandmother stepped forward My gramma was with me all this time and encouraging me to keep going She has my cousin with her, we weren't close due to miles apart But his passing hit us all hard Especially me ! I wasn't alone with my thoughts But his actions were stronger and he left us on this side My dark days were of envy for his power to do so - I was also angry at him for giving up and leaving his daughters I also will never forget his girls sad eyes that day He stepped forward and told me he's proud of me : to keep going Don't give up Gramma comes to me in butterfly Funny I was told that I decided months prior to meeting Tanza that I'm going to get butterfly's tattoo'd on my leg ! I had a butterfly land on my girls tattoo I have on my ankle this past summer I was lucky to snap a picture of it Tanza was right My gramma is with me ! All the time ! I walked out feeling 100 x's better Fresh and new Since then, I've taken her words and I say them I believe them I am strong and I am worthy This is my life and I will love it Bless you Tanza ! Xoxo
Tanza Elin Stahl, you are my spiritually connected sista. I love you. Your guidance and teachings have been my grounding strength. I have taken and will continue to take our sessions in grace and appreciation. Thank you for today. My body feels almost normal again. My knees and back feel light and I can walk. My heart aches less and my mind is less "busy". I am excited and no longer feel the need to carry self doubt and guilt. I am open and ready to accept all that my angels have shown is is coming. I feel so thankful for today. I feel so thankful for YOU!!!!! Love love love you. Xo
So amazed at my experience! I am so grateful to you Tanza for allowing me to experience your gift. Not only did I get some closure on some past issues but I felt so free afterwards. I am looking forward to my next session and all the wonders yet to be experienced. The meditation course opened up so many areas for me to expand and learn. Thank you!
So absolutely uplifting and calming. Yay!! I can drive down the highway now without a total panic attack!!! Thank you Tanza